Writing A Personal Narrative Essay: Effective Recommendations

Just imagine that after years of being told you shouldn’t use personal pronouns in your academic writings, you finally have the chance to break this rule in a personal narrative essay. There are all kinds of topics you can write on in a personal narrative essay with the main commonality being that they should all be about you. In short, you’re to share a personal experience related to some theme listed in the assignment prompt or being discussed in class. Here are some effective recommendations for writing a great personal narrative essay on any topic:

  1. Brainstorm a handful of ideas
  2. The main goal of a personal narrative essay is to make the reader relate with the main character of your story (you). The more capable you are in achieving this more invested your reader will be in your work. Brainstorm a few ideas and consider each one carefully, asking yourself whether you will be interested in writing about the story, will it make your reader interested, will you have enough material, and will you be able to provide enough detail.

  3. Write a Great Hook Sentence
  4. One of the most effective writing tricks out there is in mastering the hook sentence. The sentence can actually be one or two sentences placed at the very beginning which function to immediately catch the reader’s attention and compel him to move forth with reading your entire essay. Start with a quotation, a question, or a well-thought anecdote. These can all make your work much more interesting from the start.

  5. Connect with Personal Details
  6. Have you ever had to listen to a story where it’s just assumed that you will already understand or know of the details important to the story’s plot? You’re often confused, right? This happens a lot in personal narrative writing when people do not make the effort to connect with the reader through specific personal details. Use personal details, ones the reader may not know to bring him in even closer.

  7. Use Descriptive Vocabulary
  8. You’re probably well aware of the old writing adage “Show. Don’t tell.” But it’s still something that is ignored in student narrative writing. It’s certainly a skill that can be developed over time with simple exercises. Before starting your essay summarize an experience or even in a phrase or two – then come up with as many descriptive words to address every possible sense. This will give you a decent list of descriptive vocabulary to insert when you write your drafts.

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