How To Organize A Compare And Contrast Essay In A Quality Manner

One good thing about writing a compare and contrast essay or any other type is that with time, your writing skill gets better and you earn more scores than before. It could be that the reason why your scores were lower was that your paper was not properly organized. This is one of the factors that determine how much score a student gets in each assigned academic task and for this reason, it is important you make sure that your paper is organized in such a way that makes reading and comprehension very easy. If you are at a loss on how to do this, here are some tips to help you get started. They are:

  • The Introduction Of The Paper: This is the first portion of your compare and contrast essay and as such, should be able to grab the attention of your readers. It has to be clearly written and straight to the point. If you don’t know how to do this, you can go through sample comparison papers to get an idea.
  • First Body Paragraph: In this paragraph, you clearly describe the first among the objects, persons, or issues you are comparing. You shouldn’t forget to include the characteristics and other things that are peculiar to the object, person, or issue.
  • Second Body Paragraph: In this particular paragraph, you do the same thing as above – clearly giving a description of the second object, person, or issue, not forgetting to include its characteristics and other related peculiarities.
  • Third Body Paragraph: This is the paragraph where the characteristics and peculiarities of the objects, persons, or issues being discussed are carefully analyzed, compared, and contrasted. To make it simpler, you show how these two entities are different from each other or similar to each other.
  • The Conclusion: This is the last part of your compare and contrast essay and where you reaffirm your observations as far as the similarities and differences of the compared objects, persons, or issues are concerned. You should choose your phrases and terms carefully and even though they are written in different terms, they should tie in with the paper’s introduction and thesis statement.

This is how you should organize your compare and contrast essay and be sure of getting high scores since it makes reading and comprehension easier. As always, proofread and edit carefully before you submit your paper.

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